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EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition
EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition PDF

System Requirements
Windows 2000 Server, and Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) (included) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (optional)
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft Indexing Service
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 must be installed (included)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher Pentium III or compatible processor 1 GHz or greater
512 megabytes of RAM or greater
800 x 600 resolution, 256 color depth
Disk space: 100 MB for Installation and 40 GB for storing approximately 750,000 documents
All Features

EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition
The Collaborative Web-Based Document Management Solution

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EDM.NET Workgroup Edition, built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, is a complete out-of-the-box solution designed for easy expansion. EDM.NET Workgroup contains the robust, browser based, intuitive functionality demanded by large departments, workgroups and bigger organizations. Your documents can be saved, edited, imported, or scanned directly into the system for easy filing & retrieval. It's the leading browser-based document management software solution with greater functionality than any product in its class.

EDM.NET Workgroup Edition gives you the ability to seamlessly integrate robust browser-based intuitive document management within your Microsoft Office applications and Outlook e-mail. It's easy to use, intelligent functionality allows you to perform all activities with only a few, quick mouse-clicks. You will be able to easily search, find and edit documents on the fly -- plus communicate with your co-workers, using our wide array of web-based collaboration features. It has enhanced, iron-clad security features that keeps sensitive information from being seen by unauthorized users.


Once your files have been scanned and indexed into EDM.NET a whole new way of doing your business can take shape. EDM.NET allows you to access your documents from anywhere you can get access to the Internet and a web-browser. This allows you to always have access to all your important files, client's information, receipts, client notes, memos, correspondence, photos, applications, quotes, estimates, etc.. Any electronic document becomes instantly accessible to do your job better, faster and more reliably.

Wireless Access To Your Documents

With the inexpensive costs of wireless devices such as Pocket PC you can now access your documents from anywhere in the world. All you need is an Internet connection and Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. You will be able to retrieve and review your documents allowing greater freedom and flexibility. Imagine being at a client site and remotely accessing your client's information, files, and documents. EDM.NET makes it possible.


EDM.NET WorkGroup Edition requires little to no administration once it is installed and configured. Employees can easily access EDM.NET from inside/outside the office using the web-browser. Searching for a document is simple and e-mailing it is a click away.


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